In an Abstract Painting where does the Abstraction Begin?
When I look at an abstract landscape of a contemporary painting I always ask … why do I define, as a category this or that painting as abstract? … Perhaps because, unlike of a figurative painting there are no figures??
or perhaps because the shape of the color is undefined and cannot be traced back to any of those that usually and daily a human being encounters and recognizes in the surrounding reality ??
That it is just like this … ?? !!
A painting begins to be abstract when the figure disappears to leave space for indefinite nuances, to mixtures of color that recall, for tones and beauty … magnificent glimpses of the unexplored universe of the Stars.
where light, time and space mix brilliantly creating, in this way, amazing optical effects … Here in an abstract painting, in my opinion, the figure disappears or rather reappears in the form of the symbiont of color.
A Servant-Mistress who uses it and is used to communicate both any subtlety to the viewer (like me and not me) ….. In abstraction, emotions predominate, in writing of the exhibition mix .. and in the choice of shades of the same color on the canvas..with an impact, in my opinion, decidedly and probably alternative on the present emotional experience of the observer.
It is not a question of impressing at first sight, but of ambiguously affecting and potentially also the look .. of a well-defined emotional situation … of communicating coloristic sensations ….. phrases or words unsaid but that ….. with the medium of painting acrylic or oil ,, they can truly intertwine indelibly with the emotional abstraction of the opposite person of the moment.
Therefore, is not, in my opinion, to produce stereotypes of verbal communication repeatedly experienced and reproached every day of digging. But it’s to lend the first impact in its largely predominant aspect to deepen, with the use of color on the canvas, an unexplored universe of impalpable subtleties. That are written in clear letters in an indecipherable and univocal way in the heart and in our mind.
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