Colorful Abstract Paintings
Colorful abstract paintings are a dimension of art that enriches the broad category of abstract art paintings which by themselves are formidable forms expression. The element of color increases the artist flexibility in expression; attracts the eye of the viewer and creates latitude for a deeper interaction between the artist and the viewer.
Abstraction in general deploys a technique aimed at formulating creative and descriptive works of art subject to diverse interpretation depending on the viewer, with the artists applying unconventional depictions of line, color and form. When colorful hues become an ingredient in this process then the artist makes a quantum leap, greatly enhancing what they can express. This creativity is not as easy as it may appear to people viewing the final product.
First, the artist needs to select the most appropriate colors that will enable him to express his vision as best as possible. Then he needs to choose the most appropriate type of paints, whether oil or acrylic, that will bring out the fullness of the color. Second, the artist needs to decide on the most appropriate brush for the job or any other application media suitable in abstract art.
Painting and putty knives, rags and even sponges have all worked well for artists working within different themes and styles. Third, he must choose the best technique that will work in creating the colorful abstract painting. Dabbing, dry-brush, rapid layering, splattering, stippling, etc are all methods that work in abstract expression.
Fourth, the artist needs to balance between explicit expression of a concept, idea or image and the simplicity of vagueness which often defines abstract art pieces. In essence, the artist’s ability to mentally see his vision and successfully translate it onto canvas using the available tools determines how well the colorful abstract painting will turn out.
Color increases the depth of the message an abstract painting conveys by captivating a viewer both intellectually and emotionally. Depending on how the artist deploys color, it may express harmony or conflict; joy or sorrow; idealism or realism; structure or amorphousness, etc. At the same time colorful abstract paintings may be the result of spontaneity and intuition or deliberation and logic; enabling different types of painters to express a vast array of emotions, thoughts, ideals, and beliefs.
Colorful abstract paintings are therefore a valid and particularly beautiful form of art and expression that deserve just as much attention and respect as other styles such as baroque, impressionism, and realism.