Naive paintings

In the naive paintings of Alessandro Tognin you can also find flower or paintings suitable for children. The abstraction of Alessandro Tognin is naive and expressionist at the same time. You will not find in circulation a more formidable Italian painter than Alessandro himself. His naive paintings are unique in...

the world of the artist

The works tell the world of the artist, his memories, the succession of events that generate emotions and upsets. Alessandro Tognin, using a wide range of colors, softens transparent glazes highlighted by incisive brushstrokes and contrasting colors. Landscapes, places, figures and objects are described and interpreted by the artist with...

Dipingere un quadro astratto

Dipingere un quadro astratto:come punto di partenza la tecnica ovverosia la scelta del medium: colori ad olio o colori ad acrilico.. La scelta dell'uno o dell'altro  dipende molto dal vostro carattere...perche' se per esempio,..tra una pennellata e l'altra notate che il colore ci mette troppo tempo ad asciugarsi... senza ombra di dubbio sarebbe meglio usare...